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I'm a mom of 6 kids (2 bio, 4 adopted), grandma to 3, nurse extraordinaire, lover of labs and cupcakes.  I've been doing this coaching thing since 2010 and specialize in helping professional women find balance in the every day life... Despite chaos. Despite packed full schedules with never enough time. Despite the feelings of never being enough.  There is balance to be had.

How can I be so sure? Because I've lived through it all. Abuse, depression, anxiety. A life that was a holy mess until I decided enough was enough. 


Now it's your turn! Are you ready to live a life that feels balanced?  One that includes fun and downtime while not feeling like the to do list is building?  


Support That Makes a Difference

Personal Development

Do you feel like you are always adding new tasks to your to-do list but never crossing anything out? My specialization will help guide and inspire you to achieve more of your personal and professional goals. Get in touch today and start taking control of your life with my coaching tools and techniques.

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Wellness Coaching

This service is a favorite among many of my clients, as it is often times one of the keys to a happier, healthier life. My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. After several sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise. Call now to schedule a session.

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Stress Management

Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.

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Upcoming Events

  • Why You Need a Health Coach
    Why You Need a Health Coach
    Time is TBD
    Online Webinar
    Time is TBD
    Online Webinar
    Time is TBD
    Online Webinar
    Our current healthcare system has its limitations. In this series, we'll share how having a partner in your health can help you to achieve your optimal wellness.

Why Salty Girl

Have you ever read Mark 9:50 and been like, "Yessss, God!!  Gimme more spice in my life!!"?  But as soon as the words come out of your mouth, you're like, "Hold up... I have nowhere to put all that spice.  Forget it Lord, I'll make do with the tasteless flavor I've got going on."


That's always how I read that verse: salt = flavor. Being salty, in today's terms, means being rough around the edges with a bit of an attitude.

But that's not what this verse actually means.  Back in those days, salt was used as a preservative. So think of Salty Girl Wellness as your place to come and learn how to find balance despite the storms. A place to be preserved, upheld, ministered to. A place to be able to fit in more of the things you WANT in your life while being able to say no to the rest. 

From living a fit life to learning how to have a more organized life and everything in-between... This is all about Your Life. Your Way. With God's Plan. 

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