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  • Writer's pictureSalty Girl Wellness

Don't Be a Stiff: Flexibility and Balance

Flexibility is often overlooked until movements become stiff and ridged. The loss of flexibility shortens muscles causing an increased risk for muscle cramps and pain, muscle damage, strains, joint pain, and falling. Loss of flexibility limits the ability of daily activities, such as comfortably bending down to tie your shoes.

Stretching daily is ideal, however at least three to four times a week is recommended. There are several ways to get in that flexibility training.

If you’re already completing endurance or strength training, you can take a few minutes before and after your workout to stretch. Dynamic warm-up stretching should be done for a few minutes before your workout. This will warm-up muscles to prep them for work.

Balance Takes Practice

Balance is possibly the most overlooked aspect of exercise. Yet, it is so important to daily life.

Think of all the activities you couldn’t do if you lacked balance. Simply walking would be a challenge. As we age balance exercises become very important to help prevent falls, which is a common problem in older adults.

Balance, strength, and flexibility exercises can be combined. Both yoga and Tai Chi are perfect for combining different forms of exercise. Many lower- body strength exercises will also improve your balance.

Balance exercises can be performed from anywhere, at any time. Practicing a balance activity daily is ideal, however, at least three times a week is recommended.

Here are some ideas for balance exercises:

Static stretching should be completed after your workout. Static stretches are those which you hold for up to 30 seconds. These stretches are ideal fo the calves, the hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps, and the muscles of the shoulders, neck, and lower back.

Yoga is a great form of exercise to stretch the entire body. Yoga will help improve flexibility and thus the range of motion to help improve your other workouts.

Flexibility also helps improve balance. And speaking of balance...

See how long you can stand on one foot or try holding for 10 seconds on each side. Walk heel to toe for 20 steps. Steady yourself with a wall if you need a little extra support.

Get on hands & knees then lift one leg and opposite arm with your back flat and abs engaged. Hold 15-20 seconds then switch.

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