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  • Writer's pictureSalty Girl Wellness

Is Your Routine Missing Something?

Did you know there are four main types of physical activity? They include aerobic exercise, strength training, stretching, and balance exercises. It’s common to limit ourselves to just one or two types. However, each offers a different range of benefits and should be included in your routine.

Aerobic exercise gives your heart and lungs a workout and increases endurance. Most types of cardio work can be considered aerobic, however, chores around the house or yard, for example, can also be a form of aerobic exercise. Leotard not required.

Strength training builds muscle and stimulates bone growth, which is very important as we age. Two popular forms of strength training include weightlifting with either free weights or resistance machines but using resistance bands or everyday objects like soup cans, cats, and small nephews can also work. (just making sure you’re paying attention)

Stretching maintains and improves flexibility to prevent injury and improve range of motion. There are two types of stretching - dynamic and static. Both are important components of any workout. If your muscles are still feeling tired or achy, myofascial release (also known as foam rolling) can help find those knotted up spots and help to release them. While altogether uncomfortable when done correctly, it’s one of the best things for muscle health and flexibility.

Balance exercise is crucial to preventing falls. Typical balance exercises include standing on one foot or walking heel to toe, with your eyes open or closed. Yoga is ideal for cardio, strength training, stretching and balance.

Now that you have a better understanding of each type, can you identify what your routine is missing?

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